A-Z Autobiography
A I am six foot one.
B I have broken bones in four places (that I know of).
C I have had cats in my house most of my life.
D My dog is a very sweet beagle.
E I eat alot.
F My last fight was in seventh grade.
G I played guard in football.
H I have nice teeth.
I I split my lip in half playing soccer.
J Just sitting around would kill me.
K I would rather be killed than paralyzed.
L I have lost every football game I played in.
M I made team georgia lacrosse.
N I need to get heavier if I want to play varsity football.
O I got out of Avondale Elementary in third grade.
P I played paintball for a few years.
Q My mom made me quit football in sixth grade.
R My first name is Robert.
S My last name is Stewart.
T I play tackle in football now.
U I untie my shoes infrequently.
V My cell phone is Verizon.
W My nickname is Will.
X I played xylaphone in second grade.
Y I have never played Yahtzee.
Z I used to love going to the zoo.
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