
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Advantages and Handicaps -Journal

I have an advantage over most people in sports where height is helpful, as well as in sports where size is helpful. By the same token I have a disandvantage in sports where small size is helpful, such as paintball. I am very slow also and that is a disadvantage in nearly every sport. I am generally smart, but the only subject I almost universally enjoy is social studies, but I have a tendency to underthink the assignments. I enjoy the actual reading part of literature.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A-Z Autobiography

A I am six foot one.
B I have broken bones in four places (that I know of).
C I have had cats in my house most of my life.
D My dog is a very sweet beagle.
E I eat alot.
F My last fight was in seventh grade.
G I played guard in football.
H I have nice teeth.
I I split my lip in half playing soccer.
J Just sitting around would kill me.
K I would rather be killed than paralyzed.
L I have lost every football game I played in.
M I made team georgia lacrosse.
N I need to get heavier if I want to play varsity football.
O I got out of Avondale Elementary in third grade.
P I played paintball for a few years.
Q My mom made me quit football in sixth grade.
R My first name is Robert.
S My last name is Stewart.
T I play tackle in football now.
U I untie my shoes infrequently.
V My cell phone is Verizon.
W My nickname is Will.
X I played xylaphone in second grade.
Y I have never played Yahtzee.
Z I used to love going to the zoo.

Monday, October 02, 2006


I want to be cremated, and have my ashes put into a capsule, then scattered into the wind at my lakehouse. Then I would always be at the place where I have the deepest roots. I think that when you die you are just dead. The synapses stop firing and your heart stops beating. Your soul lives on in the people you affected, and in your legacy, but you are gone once the people are. I don't think there is a heaven or hell, but you will pay the price if you do something wrong, because it will haunt your dreams and plague your hours alone. If you can do some thing and not feel pain then it probably is not really wrong to you.